Types of Working Drawings: Planning Drawing, Shop Drawing, As Built Drawing

 Types of Working Drawings: Planning Drawing, Shop Drawing, As Built Drawing

A working drawing is a term that refers to planning drawings that have a definite size and scale so that they can be used as a reference for project implementation. There are several types of work drawings that apply when executing work, namely as plan drawings, shop drawings, and built-in drawings.

In addition to the types of working drawings above, there are many other types of drawings such as sketches, 3d images, renderings, etc. but they are not working drawings that can be used as a definite size reference in the field.

1. Planning Drawing (As Plan Drawing)

Gambar perencanaan adalah gambar kerja yang berisikan rencana teknis bangunan dari lingkup umum hingga mendetail. Gambar perencanaan atau as plan drawing dibuat oleh konsultan perencana, baik oleh konsultan arsitektural, konsultan struktur maupun konsultan MEP. Tugas masing-masing konsultan berbeda, yaitu sebagai berikut :

Konsultan arsitektural biasanya bertugas membuat gambar bangunan mulai dari site plan, layout plan, denah, tampak, potongan dan detail arsitektural. Setelah gambar denah dan potongan jadi, biasanya diserahkan kepada konsultan struktur dan MEP untuk melanjutkan.

Konsultan struktur biasanya bertugas membuat gambar struktur dan perhitungan pembebanan pada bangunan. Dari gambar yang dihasikan arsitek, akan diperjelas mengenai ukuran-ukuran strukturnya mulai dari pondasi, sloof, kolom, balok, pelat lantai dan struktur atap.

Konsultan MEP biasanya datang terakhir dengan bertugas untuk membuat gambar rencana utilitas bangunan, mulai dari rencana elektrikal dan titik lampu, jalur pipa, pemadam kebakaran dan lainnya yang sudah lengkap dengan ukuran dan spesifikasi peralatan yang dibutuhkan.

If the owner wants a very detailed drawing, there will usually be additional planning drawings from an interior and landscape consultant who comes after the MEP consultant. The interior consultant is tasked with planning the interior space including the selection of materials, interior design elements, furniture and furnishing. Meanwhile, a landscaping consultant is tasked with arranging the garden, starting from hardscape, waterscape, softscape and selecting types of plants.

The drawings produced by these consultants should be in sync with recent changes in the planning process. Therefore, the order of work is usually:

Architectural drawings -> structural drawings -> MEP drawings -> interior detail drawings -> landscape detail drawings

The planning drawings created by these consultants are the earliest stages of a project. The plan drawing is usually agreed upon by the planning team and by the owner himself. Planning drawings when viewed from the purpose of manufacture, are divided into two types, namely For Tender Images and For Construction Drawings.

The For Tender Image is a planning drawing used for the needs of the contractor's auction and to calculate the RAB bids from bidders who want to win the tender. The volume of the RAB calculation used comes from the planning drawing so that the drawing must be complete and detailed enough in the mention of its size.

For Construction images are images submitted by the owner to the contractor if selected as the winner of the tender. This image is a final image that can be directly used as a reference for the implementation of development in the field.

2. Shop Drawing Drawing

shop drawing aluminum door detail drawing

Shop drawing is a working drawing made and submitted by the contractor to be approved by the Project Supervisor as a condition for the implementation of the work. Shop drawing is usually a detailed drawing.

The shop drawing is made by the contractor who refers to the For Contruction Drawing so that the planning and drawing principles should not be much different.

The shop drawing is made by the contractor because usually in for construction drawings there are some details that cannot be completed by the consultant, especially for special details such as light steel details, aluminum door details and other special details.

So, making shop drawings is only done partially depending on the work that requires additional details. This shop drawing is a requirement for implementing certain work items.

The contractor submits a shop drawing to the Project Construction Supervisor or Management, then after receiving a signature (in Acc) and being accepted, then the implementation of the work can begin.

3. As built Drawing

As built drawing is a working drawing made by the contractor in accordance with the actual built conditions. The as built drawing is made after the project is completed as a documentation of the measurements on the building.

This asbuilt image usually shows the changes in the plan that occur during project implementation as a result of adaptation in the field.

The function of the asbuilt drawing can also be used as a building owner's archive for maintenance purposes when the building is already in use. The as built drawing will be submitted along with the handover of the project by the contractor to the owner.

Apart from being the final document for a project, the as built drawing can also be used as an initial drawing in the form of a drawing of an existing building prior to renovation. The owner can hire a surveyor to take measurements and make an existing as built drawing if the building did not previously have an as built drawing.


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